Leadership in Motion
LIM co-creates solutions with our clients to bring our vision to life.
We have three primary areas of focus:
Shared Leadership: we offer a practical 6-hour workshop, Leading Teams Remotely with Shared Leadership, our HPTP (High Performing Team Process), and a tailored SLDP (Shared Leadership Development Program).
Team Coaching: we offer webinars and team coaching workshops plus a state of the art TCCP (Team Coach Certification Program) that provides both a LIM certificate as well as an ICF certificate.
Learning: we have identified 10 ARL® (Action Reflection Learning) Principles that serve as the ‘Intel’ inside all LIM’s offerings; we also have created the PLP® (Peer Learning Process), a simple yet very powerful process to help peers help peers. We are developing other workshops that bring learning to life for different audiences.