Leadership in Motion
Explore timeless contents by Subject Area of Interest:
Sustainability/Social Responsibility/Stewardship
NATURE AS TEACHER - This month we ask the question -- "how can we (humans) learn from nature to minimize our impact on the planet?"
WHEN B CORPORATIONS GET AN A - This month we review how challenges (environmental, social, financial and values) can inspire you to ponder a Plan B, which may better address stakeholder needs in a responsible way.
BRINGING MEANING TO WORK - This month review the challenges of engaging employees and remaining competitive when "money" is no longer the primary motivator.
THE AGE OF TRANSPARENCY - Isabel Rimanoczy reflects on the latest issue of CR-Magazine, a publication that is playing a major role in shaping the ethical landscape of the U.S. corporate world.
CHANGING THE WORLD, ONE LEADER AT A TIME - The world can become a better place, the place we dream of. It is possible, and it only takes one person to change: one's self. To make this point, we're sharing with you an article by Dr. Wayne Visser, a thought leader in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility.
FROM MASS CONSUMERISM TO MASS CHANGE: HOPE FOR SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION - This month, we feature two blog posts of Caren Holzman, London Director of the organization Sustainability.
THE CORPORATE SOCIAL CONTRACT - An article by author Simon Mainwaring, which shines a light on the opportunities we all have to shape the world we want.
SAVE THE WORLD, NOT THE PLANET - Sophie Constance, a leader in the field of "societal management" and its integration with corporate strategy, shares an interesting take on saving the planet.
BIOSPHERE AND BUSINESS - We share with you in this issue reflections and perspectives about the Biosphere and its connections with business.
SUSTAINABILITY LEXICON - Today the term "sustainability" has become more accepted, but also its interpretations have multiplied, and numerous other terms and acronyms are emerging daily. Here's a little Sustainability Lexicon.
THE SUSTAINABILITY MINDSET - Isabel Rimanoczy discusses the concept of a sustainability mindset.
GAVIOTAS: VILLAGE OF HOPE - This month we are sharing with you the story of a Colombian town in midst of the savannah, that began forty years ago to develop a different kind of life — a sustainable one. The story is told from the perspective of two US American social entrepreneurs.
SUSTAINABILITY MEANS TRANSFORMING OURSELVES - Professor Chris M. Bache's article offers that the challenge of transforming ourselves into a truly sustainable civilization will be the defining global challenge of the twenty-first century.
DEVELOPING SUSTAINABILITY-MINDED LEADERS - Tony Pearson captures some of content of LIM's webinar on the topic, underscoring and the need for organizations to pay attention to developing the mindsets and competencies in those who will lead this change effort.
THE BUSINESS OATH - We may have reached a tipping point where we collectively say "enough", and we are changing the rules of the game. Read this month's issue to find out why.
THE SUSTAINABLE FOOD LAB: AN INTERVIEW WITH HAL HAMILTON - The Founder and Director Hal Hamilton introduces the Sustainable Food Lab, a partnership organization that brings together leading corporations in the food industry, with NGOs and government, with the purpose of jointly addressing the big world problems of poverty and environmental impact.
AN HISTORIC MILESTONE: THE SUSTAINABILITY INDEX -Walmart has unveiled its Sustainability Index, a project that has been in the works for over a year, involving industry, academics, environmentalists, NGOs and government. From this dialogue and hard work an initiative emerged that has been described as "huge", "audacious", "shaking the world", to name a few adjectives used in comments in the media.
BUSINESS AS AN AGENT OF WORLD BENEFIT - Isabel Rimanoczy reports on the Global Forum 2009 of BAWB — Business as an Agent for World Benefit, held in June at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio (USA).
CRISIS AND SUSTAINABILITY: DOES HR HAVE A ROLE? - This month's issue is dedicated to HR professionals as they stand at the crossroads of a global economic crisis and a planetary emergency. The surprise: there is a role for them to play, one that they may have never been anticipated, and one waiting for them to take on.
HOW MANY EARTH DAYS DO WE HAVE LEFT? - A thought-provoking and action-inspiring interview with Lester Brown, author of Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization and described as "one of the world's most influential thinkers." This interview, conducted by Terrence McNally, was first published on April 22, 2008 in AlterNet.org, an online news magazine that aims to inspire citizen action and advocacy on the environment, human rights and civil liberties, social justice, media, and health care issues.
GREENOPOLIS: THE BIRTH OF THE GREEN VILLAGE - Joe Laur, Vice President for Content, Greenopolis.com, explains and describes the revolutionary initiative called Greenopolis - the Green City!
CSR: A NEW PERSPECTIVE FOR THE HR ROLE - At a recent conference dedicated to corporate responsibility topics, presenters repeatedly mentioned the key role of visionary leaders, of developing a CSR culture within the organization, of getting managers and employees on board, of creating the required engagement across multiple constituencies, of the need to develop talent to support the new business needs. And yet, as I scrolled down the list of 236 participants, I was not able to locate a single one from HR, OD or training and development areas. That was the trigger for this article, in which I'm addressing the absent colleagues.
FACING REALITIES: GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS - Continuing with our series of articles dedicated to the topic of corporate social responsibility launched in 2006, we are sharing with our readers another milestone: the second Leaders Summit organized by United Nations Global Compact, held in Geneva on July 5 and 6, 2007, representing the largest and most significant event to date on the topic of leadership and corporate citizenship.
THE SUSTAINABILITY REVOLUTION - LIM's mission is to develop global leaders. But global leaders today have new demands and challenges compared to those that they had a decade ago. This is the second in a series of articles, exploring the different perspectives and challenges involving the role of leaders and organizations in building a better world.
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - The need for corporate social responsibility is perhaps the most important revolution since the Industrial Revolution. If we consider the economic, social and environmental impact of decisions in a globalized world, nothing comparable has ever existed in human history in terms of wide scope and significance.
Leadership and Team Tools
WHAT IS IN YOUR BACKPACK? - This month's issue reflects on what we build our identity on. Food for thought, and you're invited to participate in this exercise.
TIME FOR LOOKING BACK TO LOOK FORWARD - LIM News Editor Isabel Rimanoczy shares an exercise that can help you in looking back and looking forward.
STORYTELLING - AN INTERVIEW WITH EXPERT JO TYLER - An interview with Storytelling expert Jo Tyler. She shares with us how storytelling is alive in organizations and how it can help us to better understand their strengths and opportunities.
GIVING AND ASKING FOR FEEDBACK: A PROCESS TO CONNECT WITH OTHERS - Much has been said and written about feedback, still one of the most needed, and difficult, skills to acquire. Our Brazilian colleague, Boris Drizin, shares his recommendations and tips about giving and seeking feedback.
REFLECTION - We are sharing with you this month a tool that can help you find your way around the paradoxes, with which we have to deal. It is called Reflection.
FEEDBACK - This month, we shine the light on giving feedback, one of our communication challenges.
MAKING IMPLEMENTABLE DECISIONS - Decisions are able to generate enthusiasm, focus, and certainty but also frustration, anger, disenchantment, aggressive or passive reactions. Who can feel comfortable making a decision in the face of such a wide spectrum of possible consequences? In this issue we present a process - the Fist Five - to improve the quality of decisions and to ease their implementation.
OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY - Can you imagine a daylong meeting, with a large group, without any motivational speaker not even a facilitator, without a set agenda, where everyone is only working on what he/she has a passion for, where there are no obligations for anyone, where the atmosphere is like a huge coffee break, and where people discuss and share ideas under no pressure?
TIME MANAGEMENT: The Art of the Effective Use of Time - The amount of time available in a day is the same for everyone. Some just make better use of their twenty-four hours than others.
PAUSE AND REFLECT, Selected Extracts from The Tao at Work, by Stanley M. Herman
Shared Leadership Development
CHANGING THE WORLD, ONE LEADER AT A TIME - The world can become a better place, the place we dream of. It is possible, and it only takes one person to change: one's self. To make this point, we're sharing with you an article by Dr. Wayne Visser, a thought leader in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility.
SHARED LEADERSHIP - This month LIM President Ernie Turner shares in an interview his very pragmatic way to developing shared leadership.
WHERE HAVE ALL OUR LEADERS' HEARTS GONE? - Executive Coach and author Dr. Sharon Lamm shares her reflections about leaders living more integral lives – and challenges to connect the mind with the heart.
NEW RULES OF THE GAME - NEW LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES - We take a closer look at some rules in American corporate life - and the impact that a generation of "celebrity CEOs" has had on the leadership practices. Taking one step further, we reflect on the new rules of the game and what these mean for the development of leadership profiles.
THE NEW MANAGEMENT PROFILE: The Leader Coach - In the mid '90s, LIM started developing a new profile: The Leader Coach, which combines the leadership role with the role of a coach.
As Close As HR Can Get To The Business - An interview with Dr. José Maria Zas, General Manager of American Express Argentina.
Stop Teaching Leadership - An interview with author, Joe Raelin.
Developing People - Development of people is more than going to training classes.
Leadership Purpose - An interview with Dr. Sharon Lamm, her definition of Leadership; Purpose, and Insights she has discovered.
Trends in Talent Management - This month an interview with Lynne Morton, Principal, Performance Improvement Solutions and Research Consultant to The Conference Board NY shares with us her findings about Trends in Talent Management.
Alpha Females - In your last issue, you showed how alpha males are defined by their success, leading position, high-performance expectations toward them and others. You describe them as having plenty of vision and drive, they are pushers and data-driven, action-oriented ?
Threatening Leaders - Would you be surprised to hear that 70% of all senior executives respond to a similar profile: highly confident, intelligent, successful and matching the "alpha" pattern? What is the "alpha male"?
Issue 46 - Jun. 2004
Developing Leaders for the Next Step - In many corporations the HR Department has radically expanded the complexity of its function into a number of separate divisions and roles: OD, Training, Knowledge Management Learning & Development, Competencies, Performance Management, Succession Planning, Talent Management, Organizational Effectiveness, Life-Work Program, HR Strategic Planning, Executive Development, Leadership and Team Development, Professional Development, Coaching, HR Business Partners...
Experiences of Vivien Pau - LIM's Managing Director, Asia Pacific
Issue 5 - November 1998
About Transitions
Team Development
COACHING FOR CHANGE - This month we interview Simona David-Crisbasanu, initiator and coordinator of the Zburd-Education Through Coaching Project.
EMPLOYEES MATTER - This month we are thrilled to share excerpts of a study conducted by the SJF Institute, profiling 24 exemplary corporations where employees do matter, in very concrete and visible ways.
ADDRESSING CUSTOMER INTIMACY CHALLENGES: A SALES FORCE WORKSHOP - In this article, Ruby Palma, LIM Associate based in Manila, Philippines, reviews the rationale, design, and implementation of an Action Reflection Learning-based workshop for a global pharmaceutical company.
WHEN MERGERS MERGE PEOPLE: THE STORY OF AN EMERGING TEAM - We share with you a story of a team that was able to navigate these white waters with wisdom, efficiency and learning, coming out stronger as a result.
INCREASING WORKFORCE ENGAGEMENT: THE NEW FRONTIER- So what keeps individuals engaged with their work? Ernie Turner shares with us some reflections emerging from his experience on this topic.
Issue 39 - Nov 2003
Most of us are members of several teams. In fact, a good portion of our working time is spent in team meetings leaving little time for "real work". So building, leading and maintaining high performing teams is vital to accomplishing our business objectives as well as improving organizational productivity and enhancing our self-esteem.
Groups, Teams and Boundaries - Interaction is all there is" says the social scientist John Law. When coaching teams and solving problems and conflicts in groups I have found it most convenient and practical to look for remedies and openings not in systems and procedures, but in relationships.
Better Teams - Do you ever think that your team meetings are a waste of time? Do you wish you had other people on your team? Do you think that you can solve issues faster or better on your own?
Do you work in a virtual team? Challenges and Lessons to make it work
Dialogue at the United Nations
Facilitating Learning
Issue 137 - Jun. 2012
WHEN MISTAKES ARE BRILLIANT - In the spirit of learning of our own experience, we're sharing an interview with author Paul Schoemaker about his new book Brilliant Mistakes (Wharton Digital Press, Nov 2011).
Issue 115* -Mar-2010
THE BUSINESS OATH - We may have reached a tipping point where we collectively say "enough", and we are changing the rules of the game. Read this month's issue to find out why.
Issue 103 - Mar. 2009
OPTIMIZING LEARNING - In this issue we explore what lies at the foundation of un-engaging conversations and failed training sessions.
Issue 93 - May. 2008
ACTION LEARNING: PRACTICES, PROBLEMS & PROSPECTS - This issue features an extract of the first International Action Learning Conference, held at the Henley Management College, in the UK, a few weeks ago.
Issue 92 - Apr. 2008
ACTION REFLECTION LEARNING IN ACTION: WORKING ON CRITICAL BUSINESS CHALLENGES WHILE DEVELOPING LEADERS - Action Reflection Learning has been used for decades in the design and implementation of all kind of learning interventions. One typical instance is as the underlying methodology to develop an organization's leaders, while they work on real challenges that require action. This month we are featuring an interview with Learning Coach Nancy Rehbine, PhD, who conducted such a program in a large retail organization in Puerto Rico.
Issue 90 - Feb. 2008
ACTION LEARNING & ACTION REFLECTION LEARNING - Our book Action Reflection Learning: Solving Real Business Problems by Connecting Learning with Earning will be out in February. As we talk about it, we have heard over and over the same question: What is the difference between Action Learning and ARL? Is there any difference? Is it just a branding issue? So we decided to address this question in this month's article.
Issue 85 – Sept. 2007
UNDERSTANDING ACTION LEARNING: AN INTERVIEW WITH AUTHOR DR. JUDY O'NEIL - In this issue we interviewed Dr. Judy O'Neil, co-author with Prof. Victoria Marsick of their newly released book Understanding Action Learning.
Issue 72 – Aug. 2006
A SYSTEMIC PERSPECTIVE FOR LASTING LEARNING - Why doesn't learning last? What learning should last? Is it easier for some learning to last while other learning doesn't? And how can we design programs that increase the chances for lasting learning? These are the questions that we explore in this issue.
Issue 71 – Jul. 2006
LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE - We explore the meaning, challenges and practices of learning organizations with our guest, Jonelle Rodericks, OD specialist and Global Change Management Consultant at Hoffmann-La Roche, New Jersey, USA.
Issue 70 – Jun. 2006
ACTION REFLECTION LEARNING - The history behind ARL, the Scandinavian origins, the evolution of the model from a leadership development design to an adult learning methodology that can be applied to a variety of learning interventions.
Issue 64 - Dec. 2005
WAYS TO DESIGN FOR AND MINE INCIDENTAL LEARNING - This month, Ernie Turner addresses the topic of "Incidental Learning", what it is, how we can design for it in order to capture the gold nuggets from daily learning opportunities.
Issue 50 - Oct. 2004
Learning That Lasts - This article recaps conversations with clients and colleagues about this question when discussing leadership development and team development. Hear what has been done to support individuals to go from awareness to sustainable changed behavior.
Issue 42 - Feb. 2004
Action Reflection Learning in Thailand - Defying Cultural Differences - Excerpt of a case published in "Action Learning and Action Research" (*). The chapter describes an ARL™ experience with the Thailand-based executive team of a multinational company. The CEO, the only Western executive, who had spent three years in that function, had been appointed CEO in another country.
Issue 23 - Jul. 2002
The Power of a Vision
Issue 12 - Aug. 2001
Global Forum on Action Learning - Melbourne Australia
Issue 9 - May 2000
The New Learning
Issue 3 - Feb. 1998
At the center of ARL™ - Reflection
Spiritual and Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity
The Great Community of Earth - This month review the words of Thomas Berry made at a special event held during the UN World Peace Summit for Religious and Spiritual Leaders in August 2000.
THE BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE - How can we make our life lighter (without escaping on a retreat or a vacation)? Try gratitude, is what author Ocean Robbins says.
THE GREEN BELT MOVEMENT - This month we're honoring a woman who chose hope, and acted on that belief. On September 25, 2011 Kenyan Nobel Peace Laureate, Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai, left this planet and left us with a lot to learn.
FAST TIMES, SLOW TIMES - Longing for quiet and calm? This month we bring you an interview by Victor-M. Amela with Moussa Ag Assarid, a journalist and member of the Touareg tribe in Africa. Will his vastly different viewpoint resonate with you too?
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE - A thought-provoking, true story about a meeting which changed lives.
THE STORY OF STEVE - A fictional story which might inspire not in the "what" to achieve, but in the "how". And perhaps the real goal is not the end goal, but the journey.
BOUNDARY CROSSINGS - This article gives some personal guidelines that can help when doing work across national cultures.
Divided Lives - Author Parker J. Palmer describes how we live "divided lives", and the toll we are paying for that. This article is extracted from his book, "The Hidden Wholeness". Also included is a comment by one of LIM's coaches, Dr. Camille Preston, whose work is focused on developing trusting relationships in the workplace.
The Searcher - or Reviewing What Matters Most - by Jorge Bucay. This is the story of a man who I would define as a searcher. A searcher is a person who searches, but does not necessarily find anything. Nor it is someone who necessarily knows what he is looking for. It is simply someone who takes life itself as a search.
Searching for Wise Questions - Questions have unsung power. They focus our attention...
Large Group Interventions
Emotional Intelligence - We can be wiser
Issue 15 - Nov. 2001
What can "I" do? (Special Edition)
COACHING FOR CHANGE - This month we interview Simona David-Crisbasanu, initiator and coordinator of the Zburd-Education Through Coaching Project.
A COACHING CONVERSATION - This month we are offering you the opportunity to "peek" into a real coaching session. The coach is Ruby Palma, Manager of LIM Philippines.
TRANSFORMATION FROM FAMILY BUSINESS TO EFFECTIVE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE - LIM Partner Ronald Waugh shares the insides of a case, showing how a Team Coaching intervention, through a series of leadership development and team development programs, can be the avenue to tackle the business, organizational and individual challenges of the transition.
MY JOURNEY AS A COACH - One of LIM's founding partners, Tony Pearson from New York, shares extracts from an article of his personal reflections on what he has learned as a coach.
NORMS: RULES OF ENGAGEMENT - Ernie Turner, President of LIM LLC and Team Coach for over thirty years, says team coaches have many opportunities to help. He calls it "Gentle Interventions", the title of his upcoming book. This month we share with you one such intervention.
BECOMING AN ARL TEAM COACH, MY JOURNEY - Over the years LIM has developed a number of best practices, tools, concepts and processes that help teams improve their relationships and performance using Action Reflection Learning® principles. As internal HR, OD and Training and Learning professionals wanted to learn more, LIM developed an ARL® Team Coach Certification Program for internal coaches. This month we share with you the reflections of one such professional, who participated in a Certification Program in China.
TODAY I AM FEELING VERY GOOD / DEVELOPING TRUST - We continue sharing some real-life stories about team coaching.
TEAM CRISIS EVENT - The story of an unwanted, unplanned team crisis event that Isabel Rimanoczy experienced during a training session in Mexico, as part of the Team Coaching Certification program.
TEAM COACHING - In this issue, we interview Ernie Turner, one of the creators and developers of Team Coaching using Action Reflection Learning.
Issue 109
COACHING MODELS: A CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE - In this issue Tony Pearson, Senior Partner with LIM, interviews Diane Lennard, author of Coaching Models: A cultural perspective.
PEER GROUP COACHING: A STRATEGY TO MAKE YOUR MEETINGS MORE EFFECTIVE AND ENGAGING - Ernie Turner provides a creative approach to address pressing business issues by increasing engagement and maximizing the effectiveness of time spent meeting.
A COACHING SESSION - An edited transcription of a coaching session.
The New Management Profile: The Leader Coach - In the mid '90s, LIM started developing a new profile: The Leader Coach, which combines the leadership role with the role of a coach.
Self Coaching - Some time ago I was coaching an executive who was going through a transition. Due to a restructuring of his department, he was faced with having new members in his team, the mission of the team had changed – and the roles were in the process of being redesigned accordingly.
Coaching Executives in your Organization - Selecting External Coaches and Ensuring ROI - Do you remember the time when a coach was someone who used to prod a sports team to victory? The person who would know exactly what each one team member had to do for the team to win? And do you remember when consultants started to offer their services in corporations, calling themselves "coaches" but then explaining how they were actually different from the coaches we all knew?
Groups, Teams and Boundaries - Interaction is all there is" says the social scientist John Law. When coaching teams and solving problems and conflicts in groups I have found it most convenient and practical to look for remedies and openings not in systems and procedures, but in relationships.
Coaching For Change
Issue 13 - Sept. 2001
Coaching A Coach
Power of Reflection
THE POWER OF REFLECTION - This month, we feature a preview of Ernie Turner's upcoming book, Gentle Interventions: Tools and Tips for Coaching Teams.
MY JOURNEY AS A COACH - One of LIM's founding partners, Tony Pearson from New York, shares extracts from an article of his personal reflections on what he has learned as a coach.
MAKE IT DIFFERENT - Whether you are sentimental, reflective, or pragmatic, it is difficult to avoid having some special feelings around this time. What does it mean, to end a year?
Reflective Practice - A Review of a Recent Article by Joseph Raelin
The Power of One - reflections and questions on empowerment that address the impact that ‘powerful people’ have on our lives and the power that we have inside ourselves to make a difference in building high performing organizations.
Issue 16 - Dec. 2001
Time For Reflection
Innovation and Change
Virtual Meetings - They can be good
Issue 117
THE UNSEEN SLAVERY - Isabel Rimanoczy examines how technology, volume of work and left-brain prominence all come together to create a dangerous trap.
BUSINESS AS AN AGENT OF WORLD BENEFIT - Isabel Rimanoczy reports on the Global Forum 2009 of BAWB — Business as an Agent for World Benefit, held in June at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio (USA).
INNOVATION: DOES THE TAIL WAG THE DOG? - Innovation and creativity are two of the key competencies we need to develop to cope with our ever-changing context. In this issue we are sharing with you an article written by our colleague David Gleiser, LIM Associate and Learning Coach in Colombia.
MORE THAN JUST A MEETING - The upcoming publication of the bookAction Reflection Learning: Solving real business problems by connecting learning with earning, co-authored by Isabel Rimanoczy and Ernie Turner, provides an opportunity to show how ARL can be used to make meetings more effective.
OUR TECHNOWORLD: IN CONTROL OR CONTROLLED? - We share some perspectives about the impact of connectivity technology on our lives - the challenges, the demands, the possibilities.
Issue 58 - Jun. 2005
How Can I Achieve Cultural Change? - A recent case that reminded us of what makes implementation difficult, and what are some of the simple, obvious details that we should have anticipated.
Successful Offsite Meetings - A short quiz (with answers) on the essential components for offsite meetings by author, Isabel Rimanoczy.
The Change Cycle - we understand learning as a change of behaviors
Polarity Management - Working with Dilemmas
Issue 14 - Oct. 2001
An Emerging HR ROLE: Becoming Business Partners
Issue 8 - Feb. 2000
Mergers, Mergers - More Mergers
Issue 6 - May. 1999
Mergers and Acquisitions
Global Crises and Challenges
Issue 106
THE RESCUE PACKAGE - The voices of several citizens articulating how they are dealing with the impact of the economic crisis inspired me to reflect on the Rescue Package, and to share my thoughts with you.
Issue 102
LAYOFFS AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - With news of layoffs numbering in the thousands daily on the radio and on TV, what meaning are we collectively making of this unprecedented situation?
Issue 101
THE SHIFT - In the midst of so much confusion, it's perhaps appropriate to step outside our daily concerns, and to try to take a more objective view of our predicament. What is the larger picture we are missing?
Issue 100
DELIBERATE SPEED - Two true stories about a process to solve a crisis.
Issue 95
Issue 88
TIME TO GIVE - We hope this might lead to you finding ideas, inspiration, and passing them on to others.
Issue 77 – January 2007
CONFLICTS AND MEDIATION - This issue is dedicated to conflicts and the healing power of mediation
Miscellaneous Issues
Inventing a Radical New Business Model
The Three Questions of our Time
Conscience Leaders Creating a New Model of Business
How Illiterate are You?
Stop Doing More and Better
Principle-Powered Innovation
Pace, Tasks, Time
Developing People in Down Times - Combine People Development with Business Development
A New Opportunity for Engagement - Connecting Purpose and Sustainability at Work
Yin and Yang - Striving for Sustainable Harmony in China
WE ACT: Employees Engaging with the Community (A Univta Success Story)
Birds and Teams
Change Everything
GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS - In this issue, we explore how the Kingdom of Bhutan could be having an impact on the well-being of citizens in Europe and the USA, and possibly also influence how individuals think, consume, and relate with their community.
ABOUT COOPERATION - Do you think cooperation is an old concept? Utopian? A common practice? A nice wish? Well, there must be something in it since while economics theory tends to focus on competition, scientist Elinor Ostrom received the 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science for her writings about cooperation.
BUSINESS AS AGENT FOR WORLD BENEFIT 2009 SUMMIT - The Conference of Images &Voices of Hope, an NGO whose mission is "to expand awareness of the choices those in media make that raise public trust, generate constructive meaning, and amplify human hope, enhancing humanity's capacity for life promoting action.
GREED AND COMPETITION: WE GOT IT WRONG - "With so much turmoil going on, with the sense of a tsunami-type wave approaching, and with no clear understanding of what this may mean, not only for the US economy but also for the global economy".
ABOUT COMPLAINING - Enjoy the exploration into the complex dynamics of complaining!
POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: CAN IT HELP? - In this issue, we introduce Positive Psychology, a relatively new domain of behavioral sciences that focuses on individual well-being.
INTERACTIONS - This month we address the important topic of human interactions. How are we humans prepared to deal with others? How much do we know, what have we learned about our mechanisms for perceiving, organizing information, making meaning, reacting?
TWENTY YEARS OF EVENTS: Special Anniversary Issue - Anniversaries provide us with an opportunity to look back where we have been. As we did so this time, we thought of the major events that have occurred in the twenty years, since LIM's founding in January 1986.
MENTORS: An Interview with Larry Daloz - In the second part of a two-part series, we interview the author, Larry Daloz, and capture other valuable insights from his experience as a mentor.
MENTORS: When Adults Do More Than Learn - In the first part of a two-part series, we share an excerpt from the book Mentors, by Larry Daloz, giving a brief glimpse into adult learning and the role of a mentor in this journey.
Ithaca: The Ultimate Goal - This story about Ithaca is a very old story, but is as valid today as it was at the time it was created.
The Game We Play Without Knowing - In this month's issue we invite you to look at how a complaint can, in fact, be a helpful tool for gaining insight into one's deeply held assumptions.
An Organizational Dilemma - In this issue we are introducing a new way to address leadership and business challenges: it is a fictional case, that presents an ethical dilemma, frequent in corporations. Three professionals give their comments and perspectives on this case, and we want to encourage you to share with us your own experiences or comments about similar situations.
Notes from the International American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Conference 2003
Christmas: and a Story of Multi-cultural Sensitivity, Be your Best, Unlock Your Power, High Performers, Stop and Reflect, The Power of Feedback
Are We a Learning Organization? From the work we’ve been doing what are we learning about becoming a Learning Organization?
Ambiguity - The Number #1 Threat to Organizational Effectiveness
Becoming a Learning Organization - What goes on in an organization that is constantly learning?
The Heart of the Matter: Reflections on Leadership